CreativePeople Cultural Diversity and Disability Co-ordinators – an overview
CreativePeople Cultural Diversity and Disability Co-ordinators – an overview
Sarah Bedell
Richard Whitehouse
Whilst the New Audiences Programme focuses on audiences, CreativePeople is about CPD at a national and cross-artform level, and the Cultural Diversity and Disability Co-orinators roles played a vital part in developing projects and supporting a network of coaches and mentors. This report outlines some of the key evaluation findings surrounding that work.
Creative People does not provide specific training to arts and crafts professionals, but focuses on network development. The network is a virtual organisation; it is a complex weave of organisations working together in many ways. Working groups have been established to carry out specific tasks, as of October 2003 there were 10 working groups.
- CP and ACE should consider ways in which they can build up a ‘pool’ of mentors/coaches from different areas of expertise and specific groups to ensure that the support exists in the future and is not reliant on a small group of individuals.
- CP and ACE need to establish a clear line of responsibility for the coach – it is inappropriate to think of the role as being line managed by the co-ordinator’s manager, as the coach or mentor is usually operating at a peer level with senior management: Lead Contact is a more relevant and accurate title.
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Access Attendance Audience development Barriers Cultural diversity Disabled Diversity Funding Inclusion Resource type: Research | Published: 2013