A free online resource hub for cultural professionals that brings the collective intelligence of the sector together in one place, by you, for you.
It’s run by the Arts Marketing Association, a diverse team of people passionate about engaging the public in the arts, heritage and culture.
AI Tools of the month with Andrew Davis
Every month our guest columnist and digital marketing maestro Andrew Davis shares three standout tools that are making waves in the AI world – tools designed to save you time, boost creativity and keep you ahead of the competition.
The top 3 tools you’ll need this January include an AI-powered video and image generator, a research, note-taking and podcast generator and AI voice generation and text-to-speech technology.

AI Tools with Andrew Davis. Updated every month.
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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
A selection of resources, inspired by the AMA event Inclusivity & Audiences Day, that will help you make informed decisions about equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in your work and organisation.
Creative People and Places
We’ve brought together a collection of reports, think pieces, toolkits, frameworks and case studies to mark the first 10 years of Creative People and Places.
Marketing and Fundraising
Aimed at small organisations, this collection explores how to super-charge your marketing and fundraising activity with resources inspired by the AMA programme Shared Ambition.
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