Hidden Treasures: the Collections Trust's UK-wide museum initiative
Hidden Treasures: the Collections Trust's UK-wide museum initiative
Timothy Keen
Collections Trust is an independent organisation that works with museums, libraries and galleries to help them improve the management of their collections. For the past two years, Collections Trust has organised a campaign called Hidden Treasures aimed at engaging the public with museum and gallery collections. This case study outlines the process, objectives and outcomes of the Hidden Treasures campaign, which is a good example of a successful nationwide campaign with multiple stakeholders and challenges.
The objectives of this campaign are to:
- connect the public with museum collections by providing free events
- promote local museums
- raise the profile of the Collections Trust.
Target audience
The campaign is targeted at the general public – mainly families and those interested in history
and culture.
There are many parts to this campaign. We first start by creating the concept and turning this
into a funding application. Once funding is agreed, the planning and implementation begins.
Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2013