This recording has closed captions in both Welsh and English, simply click on the closed captions symbol CC on the video below and select your preferred language. This recording is 82 minutes in length.
This webinar recording was produced as part of the Digital Heritage Lab ― a digital skills development programme for small to medium sized heritage organisations in the UK and was funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of the Digital Skills for Heritage initiative.
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In this webinar recording Kevin Gosling from the Collections Trust will help you think about how your online collection can help tell your heritage organisation’s story. Kevin provides ideas on how to brainstorm stories that might be told about your collections; provides an understanding of how to test potential ideas with target audiences and how to sharpen up your writing for online readers. This resource will help you identify, test and refine stories from your online collection to help you develop digital content that engages with your digital audiences.
Digitising your archive can enable more people to engage with your content and heritage organisation. In this resource, Sarah Saunders looks at the ways digital archives and collections can be organised so that visitors can engage more deeply with them online. She explores the importance of keeping the user front and centre to ensure that your online archive reflects the engagement you want for your users.
As Curator of The Food Museum in Stowmarket, Suffolk, Kate Knowlden manages the museum’s ‘Search for the Stars’ digitisation project, which has had fantastic success working with digital volunteers as the museum tackles the digitisation of its collection. In this resource, Kate shares her experience of recruiting digital volunteers ― what to look for, where to find people, the interviewing and induction process, and the management of volunteers. It includes volunteer testimonials.
Published: 2022