Digital leadership and organisational development

Theme 3: Digital leadership and organisational development

As a heritage leader, you need to understand how digital can support you to work more efficiently, reach new audiences and make the most of the opportunities it presents. This theme answers the heritage sector’s top 25 questions on digital leadership and organisational planning. It will guide you towards setting the strategic objectives to adopt new technologies and working practices that can transform how your organisation operates.

Light installation from Illuminating York, British heritage city

New ways of working and change

How as a heritage sector leader you can use digital technologies to transform the way your organisation works.

A crowd enjoys a Christmas fair in front of trees decorated with lights


Digital strategy

Why you might need a digital strategy, how to develop it and where to find help to create one for your heritage organisation.

Poppies foreground an atmospheric image of the memorial spire at the International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln


Reaching audiences, diversity and inclusion

How digital technologies can help you widen your reach and appeal and what you need to do to deploy them effectively.

Interior of York Minster illuminated for the exhibitions and performances that are part of Minster Nights


Staff Development and HR

How to identify the skills and processes needed to support your team adopt and embrace the benefits of digital technology.

A bronze statue of a man deep in thought


Featured resources for digital leadership

100 digital questions answered

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An illustration of an open laptop, a notebook, a phone, a pair of specs and a cup of coffee

Digital Heritage Hub is managed by Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with The Heritage Digital Consortium and The University of Leeds. It has received Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and National Lottery funding, distributed by The Heritage Fund as part of their Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. Digital Heritage Hub is free and answers small to medium sized heritage organisations most pressing and frequently asked digital questions.

Arts Marketing Association
Heritage Digital
University of Leeds logo
The Heritage Fund logo