Market research – an introduction for arts and cultural marketers
Market research – an introduction for arts and cultural marketers
Audiences Wales
Discover when it's appropriate to carry out market research, how to get started, and how to make sure you're doing it right. This introduction to market research covers core topics including why and when to do research; approaches to market research; desk research; qualitative and quantitative research; staying within best practice guidelines; devising a research programme, and working with external market research agencies.
Understanding audiences is fundamental to effective marketing. Developing a clear picture of who your actual and potential audiences are (where they come from, where they choose to go, how often, to what art form, and how they find out about events) supports the development of your organisation and the achievement of your social, economic and artistic aims.
Effective market research enables you to address these questions and to understand the needs and motivations of your audiences and any barriers which may stop them attending or participating in your work.
Market research, like many areas of marketing, is a specialist discipline. There are many organisations that can undertake research for you and will bring specialist expertise and experience in an objective and cost effective way. However, every organisation can undertake some research themselves and this guide helps you understand what can be achieved and what you need to ask of a specialist organisation.
Understanding audiences is fundamental toeffective marketing. Developing a clear picture ofwho your actual and potential audiences are(where they come from, where they choose togo, how often, to what art form, and how theyfind out about events) supports thedevelopment of your organisation and theachievement of your social, economic andartistic aims. Effective market research enables you toaddress these questions and to understand theneeds and motivations of your audiences andany barriers which may stop them attending orparticipating in your work.Market research, like many areas of marketing, isa specialist discipline. There are manyorganisations that can undertake research foryou and will bring specialist expertise andexperience in an objective and cost effectiveway. However, every organisation can undertakesome research themselves and this guide helpsyou understand what can be achieved and whatyou need to ask of a specialist organisation.