In conversation: Bea Udeh and Lynette Lucas
In conversation: Bea Udeh and Lynette Lucas
Bea Udeh
Bea Udeh, the Arts Marketing Association's Head of Diversity in conversation with Lynette Lucas, Inclusion and Belonging lead at NCVO before her session on inclusive language at Inclusivity and Audiences Day 2024.
Lynette Lucas: I do love your questions Bea. They always make me self-reflect and review at times I don’t expect to…
Bea Udeh: How would you explain your style of Leadership to the delegates? Many of the arts, heritage and cultural marketing professionals in the room have experience of being lead, but not have your insight of leadership.
Lynette Lucas: I would say I have a collaborative leadership style, but I recognise moments when decisions can't be made by committee. I value input from all team members and try to make sure this is reflected; I hope that through working this way my team trusts that in those moments when I must be decisive without consultation my decisions are made in the knowledge of what’s best for the business and the team. I hope that what I am fostering is an environment of open communication, mutual respect, and trust among my team.
Bea Udeh: What do you see as NCVO's challenges over the next 10 years as team dynamics change with increasing diverse appointments.
Lynette Lucas: By 2025, millennials and Gen Z will constitute 65% of the workforce, posing challenges for the third sector, where an aging workforce prevails. Charities struggle to attract talent due to low salaries and outdated perceptions. This creates a skills gap, particularly in technology, and hinders diversity representation. Our main challenge is to bring in younger individuals with fresh perspectives to address these issues effectively.
Bea Udeh: Thinking creatively, but essentially, if this session was a part of your nutritious everyday diet which vitamin, fruit or veg would it be and why - or what function or benefit does your 'session' provide to you, your organisation?
Lynette Lucas: If this session were a part of a nutritious diet, it would be an orange! Just like an orange provides a burst of refreshing energy and zest to your day, I hope this session injects creativity and fresh perspectives into your routine, giving the vitamin boost your organisation needs to thrive!
Bea Udeh: What is the most important thing you want to leave with the audience of delegates on 6 March?
Lynette Lucas: My goal in these sessions is clear: I aim for delegates to gain fresh perspectives and recognise the importance, need, and value of our work. However, there are times when progress feels slow or even stagnant. In those moments, it's important to identify allies who will help reignite our passion for advancing equity and inclusion. Embracing discomfort is vital to meaningful progress. The journey toward a more equitable society is ongoing, emphasising the need for self-care; you can't pour from an empty cup.
Bea Udeh Lynette Lucas