Understanding the youth of today

Understanding the youth of today

By Graham Fowles


ROAR (or Right of Admission Reserved) is a youth research project set up by a consortium which includes the Guardian. The project seeks to identify trends, define style leaders and find out what is culturally important to young people aged between 15 and 24. This article is an explanation of how ROAR works, its methodologies and its potential uses to individual businesses and advertisers.

Unlike the quantitative work, where a consistent pattern of methodology has proved to be effective, our qualitative work tends to be more experimental, using a variety of methodologies. Different types of research techniques are useful for different types of research. Groups are useful for stimulating discussions about topics such as brands and advertising, and in-depth one-to-one interviews are useful when discussing personal beliefs. We use the same lifestyle questions as we do for our quantitative work when recruiting qualitative respondents, so that we can link the results to our cluster group typologies.

Resource type: | Published: 2013