Touring to rural venues
Touring to rural venues
Orchestras Live
Orchestras Live is a national music charity that takes professional orchestras to rural venues to enable as many people as possible to experience live world class orchestral music. Each year they work with over 60 promoter partners, ranging from professionally run arts centres to voluntary music groups presenting music in community halls and churches. Based on Orchestras Live's experience, this guide provides bullet point tips to consider when touring to rural venues.
Get the word out
Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth even in this digital age. Our audience research tells us that even though audiences have access to the internet they don’t use it a lot, mainly because broadband speeds and mobile signals in rural areas tend to be either poor or non-existent. Social networking tends to be actual rather than virtual so tapping into local networks is vital. Our promoter in North Norfolk publicises her concert series through many networks including parish council newsletters, sports and social clubs, schools, voluntary groups, University of the Third Age as well as, heritage and health and wellbeing groups.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2014