Report: Tomorrow’s Audience

Report: Tomorrow’s Audience

By Katy Raines


If you're interested in deepening your understanding of first-time attenders and ways to develop loyalty, this report guides you through the latest data and gives clear, actionable recommendations.  Tomorrow's Audience is an Indigo Share: Hot Topic.

Deepening understanding of first-time attenders to help cultural organisations develop the loyal audiences of tomorrow.

Indigo ran this research in association with a consortium of many of the UK's leading arts organisations, as well as in partnership with Spektrix who offered insight from their aggregated UK audience dataset.

Tomorrow’s Audience was designed to help performing arts organisations across the UK to:

  • Discover more about first-time attenders: who they are, what they do and what they think
  • Uncover differences between the loyal audiences of yesterday and the potential loyal audiences of tomorrow
  • Understand the drivers of reattendance in order to develop meaningful connections with new audiences and ensure they want to keep coming back

Introduction from Indigo

In Autumn 2023, we met with the CEOs of a whole host of cultural organisations who remained concerned by the shifting sands of post-lockdown audiences for the performing arts. They could see that not all pre-Covid loyal audiences had returned – something we had also seen from our Missing Audiences work in 2022; yet there were anecdotal reports of more ‘new’ audiences attending.

Rather than covering old ground and speaking once again to those missing audiences from the past, we turned our attention to the ‘new’ attenders. The aim of Tomorrow’s Audience was to find out more about these new audiences: are there really more of them? Are they different from our previous audiences? How can we encourage more people like them to attend and – critically – to return? Do these new audiences have the potential to become the loyal audiences of tomorrow? We have framed this report around these questions, along with a series of others, that we and the commissioning venues wanted answers to.

As audience specialists, we want to empower the whole sector with an understanding of audiences. In partnership with Spektrix, we have been able to bring together long-term ticketing data trends, quantitative and qualitative audience insight from multiple organisations – and together we hope we can find ways to build a stronger sector.

Katy Raines head and shoulders

Katy Raines, Founder & CEO Indigo

Section 1: Are there more first-time bookers post-lockdown?

Section 2: Are first-time bookers returning?

Section 3: Does first-time booker equal first-time attender?

Section 4: Are first-time attenders different from returning attenders?

Section 5: What do first-timers get from their experience?

Section 6: What are the motivations and barriers for first-time attenders?

Section 7: What will get first-timers to attend and then return?

Section 8: Summary and recommendation

Download Tomorrow's Audiences (PDF)

Tomorrow’s Audience report © Indigo-Ltd 2024


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Resource type: Research | Published: 2024