How live music events can be made more open to deaf and disabled customers Part 3: Appendices
How live music events can be made more open to deaf and disabled customers Part 3: Appendices
Graham Griffiths
Nina Muehlemann
Attitude is Everything
State of Access Report is a systematic research into access and inclusion within the music industry. It examines views and approaches to access across the industry and sets out recommendations to ensure that all venues follow best practice. In particular, it includes suggestions for an ‘Event Standard’ to which all venues should subscribe. The study was user-led, with research conducted by Deaf and disabled music-lovers who are directly affected by these issues.
The Attitude is Everything Charter of Best Practice
The ethos of the Charter is that Deaf and disabled people should be able to be as independent as they want to be at venues and festivals.
When venues sign up to the Charter of Best Practice, they also agree to be mystery shopped by our team of Deaf and disabled gig-goers and musicians who give us feedback on each venue and festival. Before a venue or festival takes up the bronze award, it will need to have an Access Survey. Each venue or festival must complete an Action Plan of how they will achieve the three stages.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013