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How live music events can be made more open to deaf and disabled customers Part 2

This State of Access Report is a systematic research into access and inclusion within the music industry. It examines views and approaches to access across the industry and sets out recommendations to ensure that all venues follow best practice. In particular, it includes suggestions for an ‘Event Standard’ to which all venues should subscribe. The ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Research

How live music events can be made more open to deaf and disabled customers Part 1 Exec Summary

This State of Access Report is a systematic research into access and inclusion within the music industry. It examines views and approaches to access across the industry and sets out recommendations to ensure that all venues follow best practice. In particular, it includes suggestions for an ‘Event Standard’ to which all venues should subscribe. The ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Research

How live music events can be made more open to deaf and disabled customers Part 3: Appendices

State of Access Report is a systematic research into access and inclusion within the music industry. It examines views and approaches to access across the industry and sets out recommendations to ensure that all venues follow best practice. In particular, it includes suggestions for an ‘Event Standard’ to which all venues should subscribe. The study ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Research

Access toolkit for use by outdoor arts and street art organisations

This comprehensive access toolkit from the Independent Street Arts Network sets the context for of policy around access for all and the laws around access. It covers every aspect from actions before the event, to working with deaf and disabled performers, marketing, volunteers, to managing the event itself and reviewing and evaluating the event afterwards.

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Guide/tools

10 ways to make your website more accessible

How can you make your arts website more accessible to disabled and deaf people? This guide explains ten simple, tried-and-tested ways for making your cultural organisation’s site work across the board, illustrated by real-world examples.

Published: 2007 | Resource type: Guide/tools