Heritage 2033
Heritage 2033
National Lottery Heritage Fund
The National Lottery Heritage Fund is the largest funder for the UK’s heritage. It has a vision for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future. Their 10-year strategy sets out their ambitions to support projects of all sizes that connect people and communities to the UK’s heritage.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s 10-year strategy sets out our ambitions to support projects of all sizes that connect people and communities to the UK’s heritage.
Our consultation found that people wanted us to do even more to address the challenges heritage faces and to increase the positive contribution it makes to life in the UK.
Over the next decade we will take a longer-term view, investing in heritage for the future as well as for the present. We will invest in places, not just individual projects, to bring about benefits for people, places and our natural environment.
We will strengthen partnerships with governments, local authorities and statutory agencies and create new collaborations with those who share our vision.
These ambitions are set out in a simplified investment framework and form the foundation of our shared vision for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund Board of Trustees
Introducing our strategy
As the largest funder for the UK’s heritage, our vision is for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future.
We believe in the power of heritage to ignite the imagination, offer joy and inspiration, and to build pride in place and connection to the past. Over the next 10 years, we aim to invest £3.6billion raised for good causes by National Lottery players to make a decisive difference for people, places and communities.
In summer 2022, over 4,000 stakeholders and members of the public shared their views on heritage and our future direction. This powerful feedback, combined with our own experience, has shaped our new approach.
We will strengthen and focus our support for the UK’s heritage using four principles that will underpin our investment:
• saving heritage
• protecting the environment
• inclusion, access and participation
• organisational sustainability
We will use these principles to create a more flexible framework to guide our funding.
We will continue to do what we do well: our open programmes with devolved decision-making using the local knowledge and expertise of our six area and nation committees.
In future, we will also take a more proactive approach to strengthen strategic investment, targeting our resources towards the most urgent needs.
The detail of how we will deliver this 10-year strategy will be published through a series of three-year delivery plans. Our renewed approach has been created through the generous contributions and expertise of many people and partners who care about heritage. We want to continue these conversations, so that National Lottery funding enables heritage to inspire, and challenge, to delight and fascinate, now and in the future.
Simon Thurley, Chair
Eilish McGuinness, Chief Executive
Heritage 2033Â PDF
Treftadaeth 2033 PDFÂ
Heritage 2033 - at a glance PDFÂ