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A group of children, smiling and laughing stand next to a person with long dark hair, wearing sunglasses singing into a microphone. They are outside, behind them is a green gazebo with a sign that reads DJ Booth
Mafwa Theatre. Family Flourish Day. Photo by Molly McGee

Our essential reads: Evaluation Principles in practice

How to ... develop people-centred research collaborations
Fun Palaces. Photo Roswitha Chesher

How to … develop people-centred research collaborations

Sharing learning: How funders can support impactful research collaborations
Fun Palaces – Creative Cafe @ The Bureau Centre for the Arts, Blackburn 2022. Photo: Scott David Jackson

Sharing learning: How funders can support impactful research collaborations

Three people looking at a piece of outdoor public art. The artwork is made up of larger notebook pages. The page to the front of the image has the text: to leaf is
To Leaf is to Learn - public art by Juanjo Novella and Simon Armitage (Photo by Mark Webster)

Research Digest: Culture and placemaking

Performer in yellow top and denim shorts at an outdoor performance at night. They are reaching out, passing something to an audience member.
Derby Festé 2023

Research Digest: Lifelong Cultural Engagement

A performance group called "Without Walls" performs “Belly of the Whale”. They are stood on top of a seesaw-like sculpture in front of Wakefield Cathedral at Wakefield Council’s Seaside in the City.
Wakefield Council (Photo by Andy Hardwick))

My essential reads: Artists’ livelihoods

An ensemble of violinists, guitarists, percussionists and guitarists perform on stage at Bridgewater Hall in front of a concert audience. They are backed by yellow and white lighting.
The Oracle at Bridgewater Hall. Photo by Gaelle Beri

How to … create intimate and intense ‘classical music’ experiences

Image of three sculptures displayed on top of a green box. The background of colourful fabrics.
We Gather Exhibition at the Crafts Council Gallery, 2021. Vessels sculpture by Francisca Onumah. Photo by Ben Deakin.

How to … amplify diverse voices in research and evaluation

Two people walking together through Leeds University's Union building.
University of Leeds

How to … conduct a walking interview

Part of a large circle of people, of all ages stood together holding hands.
Circle of Trout. Photo © Anthony Schrag

Research digest: The role of the artist in society

A top down view of a woman painting a brown and red pattern on a plate at a crafts table.
Crafts Council Living Labs. Photo: Gene Kavanagh

How to … approach anti-racist audience and community research

A group of adults sat together at a table doing an arts and crafts activity using green paper.
Skippko Arts Team. Photo by Nicki Taylor.

My essential reads: The politics and possibilities of artists working with communities

People gathered around small boats on the edge of a dock.
‘Whose heritage matters? Working with community-based organisations at Dunga Beach cultural heritage site in Kisumu’. Photo by Beth Perry.

My essential reads: The value of culture in urban sustainability

Close up image of Clare's Stitch Journal, squares of fabric with different stitched designs together
Stitch Journal. Clare Danek, 2020

My essential reads: pleasure, play and connection in everyday creativity

Photo taken through a window of three people sat in a coffee shop talking together
University of Leeds. Photographer: Andy Lord

How to … shape cultural policy through research

Two people drawing together at a table. You can see their hands, holding pens. On the table there is a large sheet of paper with writing, a pencil case and a cup of coffee
Skippko Arts Team. Photo by Nicki Taylor

Research digest: Everyday creativity

Group of 4 dancers on pavement next to railings by a river
Image: The Lowry

How to … fail well

Image of stage lighting shining on to a red theatre stage curtain
Photo by Wesley Pribadi on Unsplash

Workforce: A slow recovery from Covid for performing arts

Older woman in hat dancing
Dance to Health, Norwich. Photo by Camilla Greenwell

Research digest: Older people’s physical health

Research digest: Older people - culture, community, connection
Yorkshire Dance. Dance On. Photo by Sara Teresa

Research digest: Older people – culture, community, connection

A crowd of people in an urban setting watch two actors perform. One is dressed as an astronaut and is holding the other on their shoulders. The second actor is reaching up to the sky.
Wakefield Council's Festival of the Moon. Photo Andrew Benge

How to… write a learning case study

Culture in Crisis: impacts of Covid-19 on the UK cultural sector and where we go from here
The Lowry in Lockdown. Photo: Nathan Chandler

Culture in Crisis: impacts of Covid-19 on the UK cultural sector and where we go from here

White wall with the outline of a facemask and text beneath it that reads "COVID-19"
hoto by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

Covid, furlough and creative businesses  

A bleak midwinter? A deep dive from our Covid-19 participation monitor
Photo: Felix Polgar, Unsplash

A bleak midwinter? A deep dive from our Covid-19 participation monitor

Photo of an actor standing on a platform in front of water. A projection of a person in the background.
Slung Low, Flood Part 4. Image: Malcolm Johnson

Sharing learning: Reframing success and failure in artistic practice – Slung Low

Image of three young people in a museum setting doing craft activities, smiling
Fusion Programme, Swansea 2019. Photo: Amina Abu-Shahba

Research digest: Young people’s mental health

Group dancing on a stage with rainbow-coloured material. Person in foreground holding material above their head.
Dance to Health Norwich. Photo: Becky Demmen

How to… co-create an evaluation

Two people together looking at a set of contemporary paintings in an art gallery. The artworks are hung on white walls.

Evaluation Principles

Image shows the inside of a white cupboard space. Inside on the right hand side is a seated person in dark clothes wearing a gas mark. They are bent over as it's a confined space. At the front of the image is an aerosol can. To the left hand side is a small pot plant.
Theater in Quarantine - Mask Study 1, created by Jon Levin, Katie Rose McLaughlin and Joshua William Gelb; April 1, 2020 Pictured: Joshua William Gelb

Covid-19 and the global cultural and creative sector

Multiple open books showing text pages
Photo: Unsplash

How to… find existing research

Sketches of infographics
Photo: Unsplash

How to… create infographics with impact

Group singing
Photo: Hayley Rivera, Unsplash

My essential reads: the value of group singing

Visitor to British Library taking photo of exhibit with mobile phone
Visitors to exhibitions at British Library St Pancras, Photo: David Jensen

Digital hybridity: a deep dive from our Covid-19 participation monitor

Visitor in mask looking at manuscript in the British Library
Socially distanced visitors at the Hebrew Manuscripts exhibition at the British Library St Pancras, Photo: David Jensen

Wellbeing through Covid: a deep dive from our Covid-19 Participation Monitor

Children watching outdoor performance through railings
Back to Ours – Back to Bransholme. Photo: Jerome Whittingham @Photomoments

Sharing learning: Fostering good working relationships with audiences and collaborators – Back To Ours

Place matters: Greater Manchester, culture and 'levelling up'
Photo: Box on the Docks at MediaCity UK, Salford

Place matters: Greater Manchester, culture and ‘levelling up’

Impact of Covid-19 on the screen sector workforce in Wales: freelancers
Photo: Kal Visuals, Unsplash

Impact of Covid-19 on the screen sector workforce in Wales: freelancers

Drawing of a spiders web and spider
'Anansi' by Ifinrod

My essential reads: storytelling, language and resistance

Performers in site specific theatre
Grid Iron, Crude: An Exploration of Oil 2016. Photo: Eoin Carey

Sharing learning: The challenges with staging site-specific theatre – Grid Iron Theatre Company

Sharing learning: Working in partnership with funders to foster learning - Yorkshire Dance
In Mature Company, Seacroft Grange. Photo: Aaron Howell

Sharing learning: Working in partnership with funders to foster learning – Yorkshire Dance

Dance performance
Birds of Paradise, Purposeless Movements 2019. Photo: Mihaela Bodlovic

Sharing learning: Developing personal access statements – Birds of Paradise Theatre Company

Webinar: Covid-19: "The great unequaliser?"
Image: Clockwise from top left; Anne Torreggiani, Lara Ratnaraja, Dr Roaa Ali, Ben Walmsley

Webinar: Covid-19: “The great unequaliser?”

The impact of Covid-19 on jobs in the cultural sector - part 3
Photo: Imperial War Museums

The impact of Covid-19 on jobs in the cultural sector – part 3

2 students talking to a patient
Healthcare students, University of Leeds

Research digest: Training and development of healthcare students

My essential reads: cultural value and evaluation
Fun Palaces 2019. Photo: Roswitha Chesher

My essential reads: cultural value and evaluation

Digital engagement: findings from the Covid-19 participation monitor
Photo: Rodion Kutsaev, Unsplash

Digital engagement: findings from the Covid-19 participation monitor

Empty theatre seats
Photo: Felix Mooneeram

The impact of Covid-19 on jobs in the cultural sector – part 2

How to... develop a research question
Photo: Emily Morter, Unsplash

How to… develop a research question

Screenshot from webinar

Webinar: Whose cultural values?

Impacts of Covid-19: a snapshot from the cultural sector
Vogue Ball, Contact Theatre. Photo: Drew Forsyth

Impacts of Covid-19: a snapshot from the cultural sector

Covid-19 Cultural Participation Monitor: December 2020
Photo: Vera Davidova, Unsplash

Covid-19 Cultural Participation Monitor: December 2020

Empty theatre seats
Photo: Felix Mooneeram

The impact of Covid-19 on jobs in the cultural sector – part 1

Older woman in hat dancing
Dance to Health, Norwich. Photo: Camilla Greenwell

Sharing learning: Approaches to evaluating arts-in-health programmes – Aesop

Woman doing craft activities with wild flowers
Workshops with Burnfoot Community Gardeners and Moving Image Makers Collective. Photo: Karel Doing

Sharing learning: Developing a more tailored approach to audience engagement – Alchemy Film & Arts

Man on stage dancing and learning backwards
Vogue Ball. Contact Theatre. Photo: Drew Forsyth

Policy review: social security for cultural practitioners

Family sitting together with masks watching an activity. Man filming it on his phone.
Events at Left Bank Leeds. Photo: Sally Molineaux

Policy review: cultural policy responses to Covid-19 in the UK

Members of an audience standing and looking forward
University of Leeds

My essential reads: understanding audiences

Two women dancing look at each other hands raised
Dance On, Yorkshire Dance. Photo: Sara Teresa

How to…broker a successful academic partnership

Two women in a park drawing on a map on a table
What Makes Gipton? A project by artist Andy Abbott commissioned by the East Leeds Project. Photo: Jules Lister

How to… co-commission research

Older people and young girl facing camera with hands crossed over their chests
To the Beat of a Different Drum, co-produced by RJC Dance and Yorkshire Dance. Photography: David Lindsay

My essential reads: co-creating value though audience engagement

Child looks at older woman, both doing crafts
Fun Palaces 2019. Photo: Roswitha Chesher

My essential reads: cultural democracy

Dancers on a stage performing
British Council. Oona Doherty, Hard to Be Soft. Photo: Luca Truffarelli

Webinar: international cultural policy responses to Covid-19

Small boy singing down microphone
Event at LeftBank Leeds. Photo: Sally Molineaux

My essential reads: value(s) in cultural participation

Older female audience member in wheelchair dancing to music
Sinfonia Viva, Brentwood. Orchestras Live. Photo: Paul Starr, Essex County Council

Research digest: Culture on referral