Centre for Cultural Value Resources

Editor’s pick

A group of people stood together on a grassy bank by a river in a town at dusk. One person is talking to the group. They are stood by an ancient wall.
Common Cause. Creative Lives/The Stove. Kirsten McEwan Photography.

Research digest: Environmental heritage and place

This research digest draws together the current research on the relationship between cultural heritage, environments and place and what this means for organisations, practitioners, policymakers and funders.


Latest resources

A group of children, smiling and laughing stand next to a person with long dark hair, wearing sunglasses singing into a microphone. They are outside, behind them is a green gazebo with a sign that reads DJ Booth
Mafwa Theatre. Family Flourish Day. Photo by Molly McGee

Our essential reads: Evaluation Principles in practice

A photo of 'Hibiscus Rising', an outdoor sculpture made by Yinka Shonibare, photographed in front of redbrick buildings in Leeds city centre. The sculpture is tall and plant-like, with a selection of different colourful patterns in red, yellow, blue, purple and green.
Hibiscus Rising Statue – Leeds (Photo: West Yorkshire Combined Authority)

Making evaluation count in cultural policy

How to ... develop people-centred research collaborations
Fun Palaces. Photo Roswitha Chesher

How to … develop people-centred research collaborations

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Three people sat a table together. They are working on laptops and smiling

Online evaluation course

Develop value-driven approaches to evaluation through our free-to-access course.

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The Centre for Cultural Value and the Arts Marketing Association’s knowledge hub, culturehive are working together to help create a better understanding of the differences that culture makes to people’s lives. Find out more about the work of the Arts Marketing Association.