Harnessing the power of ambassadors
Harnessing the power of ambassadors
Katie Booth
Mark Miller
Katie Booth, Events and Tourism Marketing Manager at Tate and Mark Miller, Convenor of Young People’s Programmes, Tate talked to AMA conference 2013 delegates about ambassadors and about the work that they do with the Tate Collective and about the successful Hyperlink festival.
Our strategy or our ‘values’ are collaboration, diversity and peer-led:
Collaboration – core to the programmes’ development of ideas, as a point of exchange, dialogue, new modes of practice and to extend networks. It is an approach around negotiation with partners, with artists, with young people and also with funders etc.
Diversity in its widest sense – creative, cultural and audiences – diversity in recruitment and make up of groups of young people, the selection of artists, artistic, cultural partnerships and collaborations. It is about a diversity of art forms and thinking about the art in Tate collections but also the art that sits outside of that and how that has a role in the exchange or making of connections to the Tate collection.
Peer-led or Collective-led – enabling a group of young people to cultivate and produce culture and informal learning contexts for other young people. Project led, developed and delivered by young people.