
What is ‘Customer Relationship Management’ (CRM) and how can it benefit my heritage organisation?

In this step-by-step guide Helen Dunnett explains how your heritage organisation can create meaningful and deeper relationships with your visitors, customers and donors through the use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

This resource is available in English and Welsh
The back of four women standing with their arms around each others waist. One has a camera over her shoulder.
Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash

More help here

Digital Heritage Hub is managed by Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with The Heritage Digital Consortium and The University of Leeds. It has received Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and National Lottery funding, distributed by The Heritage Fund as part of their Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. Digital Heritage Hub is free and answers small to medium sized heritage organisations most pressing and frequently asked digital questions.

Arts Marketing Association
Heritage Digital
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