Like Mother, Like Daughter: Establishing an arts and corporate partnership

Like Mother, Like Daughter: Establishing an arts and corporate partnership

By Creative Scene


Learn from Creative Scene's experience of partnering with Bradford-based fashion label bonprix to foster new relationships and stimulate and sustain arts engagement.


Creative Scene is the Arts Council England Creative People and Places programme for North Kirklees, West Yorkshire. We're working with local people to create a place where people not only participate in the arts but they make them happen, working with professional artists, arts organisations and producers. It is all about making art a part of everyday life.

In autumn 2015 Creative Scene partnered with Complicite's award-winning Creative Learning department to work with 14 women from across North Kirklees to create Like Mother, Like Daughter. The show examined the participants' lives though a series of questions about their faith, about the world and about growing up as - and bringing up - daughters.

Created and performed by the participants who volunteered from the local area, the show was a celebration of the traditions that we inherit and pass on. At the end of the performance, the audiences were invited to join the mothers and daughters for a meal and to ask their own questions.

For this project Creative Scene partnered with Bradford-based fashion label bonprix whose autumn 2015 campaign - celebrating super-mums and the trials of family life - aligned perfectly with the project's aims.


bonprix objectives for the project:

  • Raise their profile in the local area
  • Provide social content for customers to see that the company supports local projects
  • Demonstrate that the company can do different things within the community
  • Align the project with the current Mother/Daughter TV campaign and further develop through social meda

Creative Scene objectives for the project:

  • Develop an effective partnership with non-arts sector
  • Learn more about how fostering new relationships can stimulate and sustain the area's creative scene

Download the case study to read more

Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2016