How the arts can make a difference to community cohesion, social well being and rural regeneration
How the arts can make a difference to community cohesion, social well being and rural regeneration
Western Australian Department of Culture and the Arts
This publication from the Western Australian Department of Culture and the Arts features 10 case studies that show the role arts can play in helping to build inclusive, cohesive groups and address health and social concerns.
The Eating Disorders Program – based at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children (PMH) – is a specialised multi-disciplinary initiative for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with eating disorders. It is part of the Psychological Medicine Clinical Care Unit at the hospital, and provides a comprehensive continuum of care, including inpatient, day treatment and outpatient services.
Created in 2012, Laughter amongst Clouds is a series of related artworks installed in the hospital’s newly built Eating Disorders Ward. Funded by the WA Government’s Percent for Art Scheme, the work aims to enhance the space where young patients come together for treatment and time out. Laughter amongst Clouds celebrates identity and gives a sense of ownership to those who use the area.