Dance Touring Partnership – Overview of Research into Contemporary Dance
Dance Touring Partnership – Overview of Research into Contemporary Dance
Heather Maitland
A benchmarking document created by Heather Maitland on behalf of the Dance Touring Partnership. This research overview focuses primarily on research reports written between 1995 and 2005 into the behaviour and attitudes of attenders of dance styles that the researchers have categorised as ‘contemporary’.
Q: What are they like: social grade and occupation?
A: Contemporary dance attenders are twice as likely to be from professional and managerial social grades, in particular workers in education and in public services.
Q: What are they like: education achievements?
A: They are twice as likely to be still studying or to have stayed in education until they were at least 19 years old. The proportion of students and school children for a particular event depends on the nature of the work and on whether it was marketed to schools and colleges.
Q: What are they like: types of dance attender?
A: Several pieces of research distinguish between dance enthusiasts and general arts attenders who attend dance alongside a wide range of other artforms.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2015