Cumbria – visitors and cultural consumers segmentation analysis
Cumbria – visitors and cultural consumers segmentation analysis
Helen Tate
This report explores a segmentation carried out on a number of databases from Cumbrian tourism organisations, venues and events. It looks at visitor origin to determine where cultural tourists came from, and assesses the role of local (North West) cultural consumers versus those from other parts of the UK. Visitors are broken down by MOSAIC category, and the report considers potential new markets in light of the findings.
The origin of cultural tourists (people signing up to Cumbria Tourism’s email database) is different to the actual visitor profile. There are more cultural tourists in London, and the South East, than actual visitors - 21.2% compared to 9.2% of visitors on the ground. The North West remains the most important source region, holding 19% of the cultural tourists.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013