Culture is Digital – DCMS Report
Culture is Digital – DCMS Report
Department of Culture, Media and Sport
The UK Government has released a new report Culture is Digital: Using technology to drive audience engagement, boosting the digital capability of cultural organisations and unleashing the creative potential of technology.
The DCMS report Culture is Digital sets out an ambitious framework for how culture and technology can work together to increase participation and boost the capability of cultural organisations.
It is the first time that the Government has looked at how the two sectors can work together to unleash the creative potential of technology and help bring every cultural organisation – both big and small – into the digital age.
The report makes a number of commitments, including:
- Arts Council England and the Heritage Lottery Fund will invest more than £2 million to build the digital capacity of their sectors
- The National Gallery will create an Innovation Lab to examine how museums and cultural organisations can use immersive media, such as virtual and augmented reality, to enhance visitors’ experiences
- The Royal Opera House will create an Audience Lab, which will work with diverse talent to create content using emerging technologies and develop cross-sector collaborations.
The Culture is Digital report showcases innovative projects in the creative sector, highlighting the extraordinary collaborations between our world-leading cultural and digital pioneers. It was launched at the National Gallery showcasing some of the finest recent examples of digital culture, including cutting-edge immersive installations using the latest technology.
The #CultureisDigital project was informed by an online open conversationlast year and was borne out of the Government’s Culture White Paper commitment to review the digitisation of our public collections and enhance the online cultural experience. It also builds upon the Government’s UK Digital Strategy commitment to increase digital skills, digital participation and unlock the power of data.
Read the recent article by Christy Romer on Arts Professional about the report.
Download the Executive Summary
or visit DCMS for the full report.
Image: Laser Forest, created by Marshmallow Laser Feast, Culture is Digital Report