Conveying the right message through photography
Conveying the right message through photography
Sarah Clarke
Using photography effectively across marketing collateral can help convey important messages to your target audiences. This guide explains what to consider when using a photographer, or creating your own shots - such as lighting, atmosphere and varying the composition. The author suggests that using photos effectively will allow you to tell your organisation's story, as well as maximise interest and engagement from your audience.
If you do not have the time or resources to hire a photographer to take your own photos, there are many websites that offer stock images of dance and dancers that might prove useful for your website or marketing. Of course, as they are available to anyone (who pays for their use) you might find that you see them in other places too, so if you’re after original images that really represent your studio, it’s always better to have your own photos.
And, as always, think about your message. Are you trying to attract a new intake of young dancers? Then maybe an action shot of a class in the studio will work best, conveying a sense of energy, movement and enjoyment.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013