Age and dementia friendly checklist
Age and dementia friendly checklist
Time to Shine
This checklist by Time to Shine, Leeds helps organisations become more age and dementia friendly by removing barriers and making your service more accessible for all older people.
Time to Shine selects partners across Leeds to deliver unique and creative projects that engage socially isolated people. Within the programme is robust external local and national evaluation to test and learn from the approaches and inform future work.
Age and Dementia Friendly checklist
Becoming more age and dementia friendly is all about removing barriers by making your service more accessible for all older people. This will also benefit many others including younger disabled people, children and pregnant women.
Physical environmentÂ
If your customers need to visit your premises - shop, restaurant etc - it is important to be aware that accessibility is about much more than accommodating wheelchairs and mobility aids. There are many things that you can do, completely free of charge that will make your physical environment welcoming to older people.
Respect and inclusion
It is important to not only identify the physical barriers to inclusion but also the social, cultural and attitudinal ones. If customer-facing staff are actively welcoming to all older people, it can make a real difference to someone who may be socially isolated. A friendly face, patience and understanding can have a big impact on someone’s day.
Communication and information
Focusing on customer communication is important to the long-term success of any business. Communication affects how information reaches your customers and informs them of whether your business is relevant to them. Wording and design are important and it is crucial that information is clear, attractive and inclusive.