Improving the accessibility of your website
Improving the accessibility of your website
This handy guide from Supercool shows that you don't need big budgets and huge resources to make significant improvements to the accessibility of your website.
It's full of links to free resources, handy tips and quick wins to make your website more inclusive.
It includes sections on:
- creating an access culture
- getting started
- language
- images and videos
- colour
- quick wins
- celebrating success
Our websites are doors into our organisations for both new and existing audiences. But whilst a door can be an entrance, it can also be a barricade. It’s important to think carefully about who we’re keeping out, and why.
Inclusive Design is about looking at every decision we make, and actively looking for any barriers we can take down. This takes empathy, imagination and radical acts of openness.
Accessibility is an act of creative empathy, of imagination, of moving outside your own experience. As an arts professional, you work in a creative environment. You are particularly suited to being able to create this culture in your own organisation.
You don't need big budgets and huge resources to make significant improvements to the accessibility of your website. There are things you can do in-house to help create an access culture .
There’s a lot to think about – but there’s also a lot of help available. If it’s just due to inertia or inattention, we can start to change that right now, today.
Sally McGrath, Developer and Access Specialist, Supercool