A guide for use and understanding of appropriate language

A guide for use and understanding of appropriate language

By Graeae


Graeae is the UK’s foremost disabled-led theatre company. Its audiences include Deaf, disabled and non-disabled people. This guide provides some basic guidelines for use of language and being confident with using language around disability. Appropriate use of language helps demonstrate that an organisation is committed to providing a welcoming environment and is the first step to ensuring good customer service for disabled patrons.

It is also very important that staff members are briefed clearly and feel confident discussing how people can access a performance. For example do they know the best seats in the house for accessing the captioning? Do they know where the audio description equipment is and how to use it? Making sure that box office and front of house staff have a solid knowledge of these tools shows that the organisation is committed to diversity and providing excellent customer service.

Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2014