Was the Books for Babies scheme a success?
Was the Books for Babies scheme a success?
Morris Hargreaves McIntyre
Research evaluating the social impact of the Boots Books for Babies scheme, which saw over 42,000 bags of books and literacy-related materials distributed to babies in Nottinghamshire. The research explores the wider social impact of the scheme to establish what difference it made to children and parents. It concludes with implications for future development of the project.
The Library Services identified their specific aims as being to:
- Highlight the benefits of sharing books with babies
- Increase awareness in the community as a whole of the value of books to young children
- Increase awareness of parents and carers of how books, rhymes and stories can contribute to early learning
- Introduce children and families to library use
- Create and heighten awareness of the services offered to babies, children, parents and carers by the libraries in the city and the county
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013