Older Audiences Engagement Snapshot 2018

Older Audiences Engagement Snapshot 2018

By The Audience Agency


The first in a series of snapshots by The Audience Agency focused on engaging audiences with specific profiles and needs

One in five people in England is over the age of 65, and the figure is growing. This is a large and diverse cohort spanning from recent retirees to great-grandparents. Delving into the data about older audiences can help the artistic sector think practically about the role we can play in building a fulfilling creative culture for eager to engage older audiences.

This snapshot looks at:

Who are older arts and culture audiences?

What do they go to and how do they visit?

How do they feel about arts and culture?

It also gives helpful top tips, looks at engagement Area Profile Reports, links to useful case studies and highlights other industry insights.

Read or download the Snapshot here.



Resource type: Research | Published: 2018