How to improve marketing relationships between touring performing arts companies and the venues they tour to
How to improve marketing relationships between touring performing arts companies and the venues they tour to
Kemi Bamidele
This short article from the Independent Theatre Council gives and overview of why it is important for touring companies and performing arts venues that receive them work together on their marketing and audience development plans.
The Get In And The Get Out
Both touring companies and venues really need to explore effective ways of working together.
This may mean both parties go that extra mile and perhaps even exceed the terms and conditions of their original contract. Your contract is like a pre-nuptial. We assume both parties have a vested interest and want this relationship to work. The reality is that when we invest more we benefit from a greater return.
Here are the people that a touring company needs to communicate with:
*****Advocates – they provide free advertising for your productions.
****Clients – the venue and its employees
***Customers – the audience who often attend the theatre
**Prospects – the potential audience, frequent attendees
*Suspects – rarely or never attend