Audience profiles for contemporary dance

Audience profiles for contemporary dance

By The Audience Agency


This research snapshot report provides a brief profile of audiences for contemporary dance. It draws on Audiences London and Dance Touring Partnership's analysis of audience data in 2006 and 2007. The key summarised findings conclude that audiences for dance are not as frequent attenders of the artform as we'd like to think, and that the audience profile for dance is similar to audiences for a given venue as a whole.

The following indicates how the behaviour of London audiences and regional audiences is similar, and illustrates the key findings (given above):

- What proportion of dance attenders across a range of regional venues are first time bookers ? 20 – 75% (DTP analysis)

- What proportion of dance attenders in London have attended once between 2003-2005?  68% (AL analysis)

- What proportion of the audience for contemporary dance have bought tickets for more than one dance event in the last 12 months? 5 – 37% (DTP analysis)

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Dance Frequency Profiling Touring
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013