Webinar: The impact on audiences part 2: Virtual experiences
Webinar: The impact on audiences part 2: Virtual experiences
Centre for Cultural Value
Are digital experiences shifting the relationship between organisations, artists and audiences during the pandemic, or are they bringing the shortcomings of digital engagement into sharp relief?
This is a recording of a session from our conference Covid-19: Changing Culture? in November 2021. The conference shared emerging findings from our Covid-19 research project and discussed implications with practitioners and policymakers.
In this session we discuss the different models being used by organisations, the intentions and appetites of audiences, making the digital social, and the challenges and opportunities of changing modes of engagement.
Chaired by Oliver Mantell. Speakers: Jenny Williams, Revoluton; Graham Main, The Big Burns Supper; Anne Torreggiani, The Audience Agency; Harry Weeks, University of Newcastle; Eva Nieto McAvoy, Cardiff University.