Resources tagged with digital tools

AI Tools with Andrew Davis. Updated every month.

Every month our guest columnist and digital marketing maestro Andrew Davis shares three standout tools that are making waves in the AI world – tools designed to save you time, boost creativity and keep you ahead of the competition.

Next level digital marketing

A collection of resources from the industry-leading arts and culture CRM solution, Tessitura.  These continue the discussion following their Next Level Marketing session at AMA’s Digital Marketing Day 2023. Insight and practical solutions on digital transformation, digital strategy and creating a data-driven culture.

The 5 best AI tools for content marketing

Navigating the influx of AI tools on the market can feel overwhelming, with more sprouting up every week. Hannah Cunningham, Marketing Consultant at The DeWolf Group outlines her top five AI tools to save time and elevate your content marketing.

Tools and resources to keep up-to-date with emerging digital trends

1. Introduction This guide has been designed to provide you with a list of organisations, tools and resources that you can access to keep up to date with new digital trends and their impact on the heritage and cultural sector. You don’t need to follow or sign up to all those listed below. Our experts … Read more

Identifying and prioritising your digital training requirements

1. What are your digital skills needs? There are many aspects of ‘digital’ that your organisation may feel it needs to know about but not all of them are important to you achieving your goals. Heritage organisations often feel under pressure to use the latest digital technology, but this can lead to missing important knowledge … Read more

How can we measure our current environmental impact?

1. Environmental impact assessments and your organisation It is essential that organisations measure, plan and minimise activity that might have a negative impact on the environment. Socio-economic activities have already created enormous environmental imbalances and population growth continues to contribute towards the depletion of natural resources. This has led to: Global warming. Climate change. Loss of biodiversity. Ocean acidification. … Read more

What implications and opportunities should we consider when using 3D scanning or printing to create 3D digital models from our collections?

1. Opportunities and challenges in using 3D technology Creating 3D models of cultural artefacts can help to foster learning and provide new ways of engaging with heritage. The process can also offer access to resources previously denied to audiences and can help preserve fragile items. Essentially there are two approaches to creating three dimensional assets: … Read more

Embracing bilingualism in your organisation

1. The benefits of bilingualism As the range of people working in, and engaging with, your organisation becomes more diverse, you will likely have bilingual and multilingual employees, volunteers and service users (these are your audience, visitors and/or customers). You may work in a context where there is more than one official language and therefore … Read more