Measuring the impact of culture in Shropshire
Measuring the impact of culture in Shropshire
Morris Hargreaves McIntyre
The study develops locally relevant indicators and measures to prove the value of culture, with particular reference to central and local government agendas including: Quality of Life and Shared Priorities (commissioned by Shropshire County Council). These locally relevant indicators relate to the impact and outcomes of Cultural Services' actions across healthy lifestyles, community safety and quality of life in local communities. The report summarises existing practice, details implications for relevant indicators for the county, provides a policy context, and details best practice.
The principles underpinning the measurement of the contribution of culture to quality of life are to:
- make use of existing sources of information and collection methods including BVPIs, LPSA measures, Quality of Life indicators, People’s Panel Survey, Cultural Services Annual Performance Monitoring reports and data collection systems, web-evaluation, verbatim comment and feedback systems.
- enable specific measures relevant to different cultural services functions to be aggregated into overarching generic measures.
- ensure the system is capable of being managed and implemented in-house within Shropshire County Council utilising existing staff where possible including the use of centralised data-processing.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013