Arts Council England – The Conversation

Arts Council England – The Conversation

By Arts Council England


In Autumn 2019, Arts Council England will publish a new strategy for 2020-30, setting out its mission, vision and ambition for the next ten years. Consultation with the sector and the public continues throughout Autumn 2018.

The next ten years: The Conversation has involved a wide-reaching engagement programme consisting of workshops, ethnographic visits and surveys, underpinned by an open onlineConversation platform. It has been run by BritainThinks, an independent research and strategy consultancy.

Over the course of Spring 2018, ACE heard from hundreds of individuals and organisations, who told them what they think the future holds for arts, museums and libraries, what the challenges and opportunities are for the sector going forward, and what this means for the Arts Council’s future role.

You can download the report here.


Image courtesy of Arts Council England.

Resource type: Research | Published: 2018