Business models in the arts and cultural sector
This video explores a typical starting point for the business model of many arts and cultural organisations and looks at how this might need to change and adapt in the future. It provides a tool for you to review your own approach and consider the ongoing external influences on how relevant, feasible and viable your model continues to be.
Business models in the arts and cultural sector — 4 minutes
Business Model Canvas courtesy of
Think about…
- How might a change outside the organisation affect the desirability, feasibility or viability of your model? Consider a broad mix of potential influences e.g. changing audience expectations, new visitor groups, new technology, changing funder demands, changes to the wider economy, suppliers adapting their approach, partners changing their priorities etc.
- Brainstorm potential changes that could have a significant influence on your model. Add notes to your canvas to summarise potential opportunities or threats.
- Does the ‘two-sided’ business model reflect the approach taken in your organisation? What external changes might provide challenges or opportunities for this model in the near future?
It covers:
- Adapting the two sided business model.
- Consider the impact of potential external changes to your business model.
- How challenges or opportunities might affect your business model in the near future.
The speaker
Julie Aldridge