Resources tagged with funding

Five priorities for the creative industries

The House of Lords Select Committee on Communications and Digital published its report A Creative Future on 27 January 2023. It sets out five priorities to ensure the UK’s creative sector can thrive in the face of possible disruption and displacement.

Looking Ahead: Museum Directors Research

While the pandemic crisis has eased and there is evidence of a rebound, the operating environment remains challenging for the museum sector. Art Fund draws key insights from their latest research. (May 2022) Art Fund is a Pioneer Sponsor of A New Adventure, AMA Conference 2022.

Arts Funding: The New Reality

In this extended blog arts writer Dany Louise poses some provocative questions for the arts and cultural sector about the future of arts funding in a post-Brexit landscape.  

The funding mix for arts organisations

This Prosper resource explains the funding mix — grants, earned income, private and corporate donations, sponsorship, crowdfunding and loans —  and explores the benefits to arts organisations in getting the right mix of funding.

Business Support for the Cultural and Creative Sector

In partnership with Coventry University, Prosper has produced Business Support and the Cultural and Creative Sector in England and Scotland: A Review. This in-depth review of business support activities in England and Scotland is part of Prosper’s vision to build a creative economy making arts accessible for all. It has been shared to help increase awareness and understanding … Read more

Fundraising Audit (training video)

An effective audit can be the starting point of creating a successful fundraising campaign or strategy. In these training videos, Wendy Smithers provides a detailed guide to carrying out a fundraising audit.

Choreographing your fundraising strategy

In this article, Fern Potter likens fundraising to choreographing a dance – starting with a clear vision that is developed into a strategy that can be used to achieve your organisation’s fundraising goals. A good fundraising strategy can help fundraisers overcome the fear of asking people for money.