Resources tagged with evaluation

Impact Management Canvas

A straightforward tool to help arts and cultural organisations think about how we monitor and evaluate impact and improve our impact management. Developed by Arts & Culture Finance by nesta.

Webinar: Measuring Impact

Learn about how best to integrate monitoring and evaluation into your organisation in this webinar from Arts & Culture Finance by nesta.

Evaluation report: Birmingham 2022 Festival

An overarching evaluation report of the key findings from the Birmingham 2022 Festival. This report represents the culmination of 12-months’ work collaborating with the Organising Committee for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games (the OC) to evaluate its cultural programme, the Birmingham 2022 Festival.

Better data on the cultural economy: scoping study

A DCMS commissioned report that outlines ways to strengthen cultural sector data to help ascertain its value and contribution to UK economy and society, enabling effective policy development. By MyCake, in association with the Audience Agency.

How to … fail well

Owning and admitting openly to failure can be uncomfortable. But what do we mean by failure, and how can we change our perspective away from things ‘going wrong’ to genuinely learn and reflect? This how-to guide will help cultural organisations not only to recognise failure, but to do it well.

How to… write a learning case study

We all learn in different ways – through our practice as much as through the evaluation that follows. But how can you communicate your own learning journey in a way that benefits others? What do you need to consider before you start developing a case study? What does an effective case study need to include?

How to… co-create an evaluation

Co-creation is a term we may hear a lot, but an evaluation of your project that is genuinely co-created can be really powerful. This guide from Mark Robinson of Thinking Practice will help you think about how every stage of your evaluation process, from planning to action to review, can be something that is developed … Read more

Evaluation Principles

These evaluation principles are a sharing of ideas to inform how evaluation is carried out and used in the cultural sector.