Resources tagged with audience

Why museums should use emotional branding to grow their support

The UK’s museums are a huge success story. In 2019/20, around 50% of adults in England visited a museum – but there’s still a big opportunity to do more. Could we grow that 50% to 80% nationally?  To explore this opportunity, Art Fund, the charity that connects museums, people and arts, commissioned two major pieces … Read more

Weathering the cost-of-living storm across the UK

Research rings warning bells about the potential effects of the cost-of-living  crisis on already hard-pressed cultural organisation across the UK. Anne Torreggiani, CEO, The Audience Agency gives suggestions for how we can both brace for its impact and support our communities.

Successfully engage with international audiences

1. The benefits of extending the reach of your heritage organisation There are a number of benefits to extending the reach of your organisation and engaging different audiences. These can include: Financial benefits (e.g. increased fundraising opportunities and ticket sales) Encouragement of knowledge exchange (e.g. exploring wider international approaches and innovative ways of doing things) … Read more

How do we ensure that people are at the heart of the stories we tell?

The heritage sector is uniquely placed to use people-centred storytelling. People, their history, communities, identity, culture and oral history are at the heart of many heritage organisations. Unlike product or service-based industries, people visit, learn, maintain, and share the rich stories that have happened at your location. You can ensure people are at the heart … Read more

A bleak midwinter? A deep dive from our Covid-19 participation monitor

Despite many theatre organisations being able to struggle through the various restrictions and impacts of the last 2 years, is this winter when the damage will really be felt?  With willingness to return still stubbornly low and fresh concerns over a resurgence of the virus, concern is high as we head into what is, for … Read more

Conference: The impact on audiences part 1: Changing behaviours

A lot changed behind the scenes during Covid – but how did audiences experience the pandemic? Hint: It’s not all in front of screens. This is a recording of a session from our conference Covid-19: Changing Culture? in November 2021. The conference shared emerging findings from our Covid-19 research project and discussed implications with practitioners … Read more