Resources tagged with work-life balance

Behind the scenes with AMA: 4-Day Week pilot. Blog 2 – the midway point.

Head of Operations and Events at Arts Marketing Association (AMA), Danielle Patrick takes us behind the scenes as we trial a 4-day week. In the second of three blogs that follow the trial, Dani shares progress across the first three months including practical changes, impacts and feedback from the team.

Behind the scenes with AMA: 4-Day Week pilot

Head of Operations and Events at Arts Marketing Association (AMA), Danielle Patrick takes us behind the scenes as we trial a 4-day week. In the first of three blogs that follow the trial, Dani looks at the reasons behind the decision, the research and consultation process and how the trial will work.

Top tips for working multiple roles in a small arts organisation

Following on from a panel session at the Cultural Enterprises Conference 2023 – with Holly Burrows, The Cartoon Museum; Rosie Baker, Bishopsgate Institute; and Kate Rolfe, The Revels Office – this article shares top tips for working multiple roles in a small arts organisation.

Podcast: Engaging young audiences and working together

Dhikshana Turakhia Pering, Head of Engagement and Skills at Somerset House, Trustee Museums Association, Member of Museum Detox talks about engagement over learning, working together, and juggling family and professional life. One of a series of podcasts with museum people by For Arts Sake.

Time to flex: coping as a freelancer post Covid-19

In 2018, Beckie Smith, Directing Consultant at Flying Geese shared her journey setting up her own consultancy and tackling a career as a freelancer in My Freelance Journey – a series of eight blogs written for AMAculturehive. Two years on Beckie takes us through how her consultancy has grown and now, as an established freelancer, … Read more

How I Cope – Hannah Mason

How I Cope  is an on-going blog series where colleagues from across the sector – and at different stages of their career – share their experiences of self-care and wellbeing. Here, Hannah Mason, founder of  The Content Managers, argues that we need a change of perspective.