Resources tagged with user experience

Websites: User Journey Mapping

A basic guide and framework created by the digital agency and arts sector specialists Supercool to help you identify, develop, test and review User Journeys across your website. One of a series of resources from Supercool to coincide with AMA’s Digital Marketing Day 2024.

Websites: Common user testing issues and how to fix them

To help you focus on tackling users’ primary frustrations, the digital agency and arts sector specialists Supercool have identified the top three most common issues that crop up during user testing. One of a series of resources from Supercool to coincide with AMA’s Digital Marketing Day 2024.

Empower the future with digital

Brighton-based digital marketing agency Grandad takes us through the importance of innovation and risk-taking to empower individual organisations and the sector.

10 things about PDF content and why you should avoid it

PDF content is inaccessible, creates a poor user experience, and yet somehow, it persists. Whether you’re trying to understand if PDFs are really that bad, or you’re trying to make the case for getting rid of them in your organisation, content strategist Lauren Pope, Founder and Director at La Pope, tells you what you need … Read more

Audiences at the Heart: Supercool collection

Supercool love crafting websites and digital strategies that make life easier for arts, cultural and heritage organisations – and your audiences. They also love sharing – whether that’s practical tips to improve digital accessibility, things they’ve learnt about how to be more digitally sustainable, or just generally useful/interesting sector-related things. Here’s a treasure-trove of free … Read more

Why you should get rid of your ‘What’s On’ page

Following his successful session at our annual conference, A New Adventure, Birmingham (2022), Andrew Ladd from Ten4 Design looks at the shortcomings of ‘What’s On’ pages and how you can replace them with more streamlined and useful user experiences on your own website.

Exploring some popular digital applications that can enhance the audience experience

1. Introduction Heritage sites and exhibitions have the potential to capture the public’s imagination and provide valuable connection to who we are and the significance of place. Cultural organisations engage with a diverse range of audiences, publics and stakeholders who will benefit from new ways of engaging with the past. As such, continual technological innovation … Read more