Resources tagged with team

Identifying and prioritising your digital training requirements

1. What are your digital skills needs? There are many aspects of ‘digital’ that your organisation may feel it needs to know about but not all of them are important to you achieving your goals. Heritage organisations often feel under pressure to use the latest digital technology, but this can lead to missing important knowledge … Read more

Fundraising as an emerging artist

This case study examines how New Movement Collective, a unified group of new generation choreographers, have taken a highly collaborative approach towards fundraising to turn their work into a reality.

Recruiting and inducting staff: a checklist

This sheet is intended as an aid to local authority arts recruitment and may serve as a guide for officer induction for people either starting a new job, or being promoted within an authority to a new position. As well as noting key periods, you’ll find useful check lists of what to do pre-employment, on … Read more