Resources tagged with supporters

Case for Support (training video)

Laura Greenfield explains the fundraising term ‘case for support’ and why this document is important to your development activities. She provides a step-by-step guide to creating your organisation’s case for support and how to tailor it to meet the needs of your different donors.

Encouraging higher levels of philanthropy in the arts

The Philanthropy in the Arts Agenda was launched in December 2010 and advocated a wide range of aspirations and proposals for encouraging higher levels of philanthropy to arts organisations. In 2011, arts organisations shared views on key aspects of the Agenda at that time. A year on, and Arts Quarter return to the cultural community to … Read more

Word of mouth in the social media age

What makes people talk about culture? How can we get people talking about the arts, both online and offline? This discussion of word-of-mouth uses a case study of a Grayson Perry exhibition at the British Museum to explore strategies around buzz marketing, viral marketing, and identifying key influencers and opinion leaders – plus what happens … Read more

How the changing economy affects the arts

What challenges do arts organisations face as a result of changes in the economy? This article looks at how organisations can transform to cope with change and become resilient, while focusing on long-term social and cultural goals.

The real front line

People working in the arts know all about the impending funding crisis, but Tim Wood, AMA board member and director of communications at The Place, believes only arts audiences can prevent the worst fears coming true.