Resources tagged with small-scale organisations

Top tips for working multiple roles in a small arts organisation

Following on from a panel session at the Cultural Enterprises Conference 2023 – with Holly Burrows, The Cartoon Museum; Rosie Baker, Bishopsgate Institute; and Kate Rolfe, The Revels Office – this article shares top tips for working multiple roles in a small arts organisation.

Audience development strategy as a sword for tackling inequality

In this video from CultureHive Day, Janine Irons from Tomorrow’s Warriors shares her learning from the CultureHive Small-scale Development Programme. Discover how rethinking their audience development strategy allowed Tomorrow’s Warriors to tackle inequality.

Individual giving for small-scale organisations or alternative work

Individual giving is not just for big organisations offering ‘popular’ art forms. During this AMA conference 2014 session, David Byrne of New Diorama Theatre in central London, and Jane Rice-Bowen and Kate White – Joint Chief Executives, National Centre for Circus Arts – shared their experiences of fundraising in smaller organisations offering contemporary art experiences.