Resources tagged with skills gap

Heritage Pulse: Spotlight on Skills

Results of a UK Heritage survey focussing on skills in the heritage sector. Respondents were asked about their own skills and levels of confidence in their roles, where they felt there were skills gaps or shortages in their organisations and across the sector, and to what extent heritage organisations are investing in skills.

Five priorities for the creative industries

The House of Lords Select Committee on Communications and Digital published its report A Creative Future on 27 January 2023. It sets out five priorities to ensure the UK’s creative sector can thrive in the face of possible disruption and displacement.

How to assess the future digital skills of your heritage organisation

1. The impact of digital technologies Digital technologies are transforming society. Think about how often you use technologies to navigate from one place to another, to order takeaway or to communicate with friends and family. The smartphone in your pocket is more than 1,000 times more powerful than the CRAY1 supercomputer of the 1980s. Digital … Read more

A simple guide to auditing digital skills

1. Introduction A 2020 report by the Skills Platform (PDF file, 1.54MB) found that digital skills in the charity sector were an important area for investment amongst a wide range of organisations. Almost 70% of the 429 organisations surveyed reported that skills to support ‘widening the reach’ was a key priority. However, 48% of those … Read more