Resources tagged with revenue generation

Working together to increase revenue

Maximise every income stream with a collaborative approach to audience experience in the arts. This new ebook by Spektrix, Working Together to Increase Revenue, gives expert advice on uniting marketing, box office and fundraising teams to maximise revenue and support data-led strategy.

How can I create additional revenue streams from my collection online?

1. Introduction Can I create additional revenue streams from my collection online? The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly difficult for heritage institutions. Organisations have had to juggle the dilemma of how to encourage access and engagement with their collections, while visitors have been reluctant or unable to come through the doors; and … Read more

Podcast: Ron Evans – the pandemic as a catalyst for creativity

Hannah Mason, Head of Social Entrepreneur Support, Creative United talks to Strategic Advisor Ron Evans about using the pandemic as a catalyst for creativity. One of a series of AMAculturehive podcasts commissioned for The Learning Lounge, AMA Arts Marketing Festival 2020.

Business Support for the Cultural and Creative Sector

In partnership with Coventry University, Prosper has produced Business Support and the Cultural and Creative Sector in England and Scotland: A Review. This in-depth review of business support activities in England and Scotland is part of Prosper’s vision to build a creative economy making arts accessible for all. It has been shared to help increase awareness and understanding … Read more

Diversifying revenue streams

This collection features snippets of case studies by Mark Robinson and offers inspiration for developing new sources of income.