Resources tagged with remote working

The AMA’s Green Guide to Working from Home

This comprehensive guide offers practical strategies for sustainable remote work.  From innovative waste management techniques to energy-efficient home office setups, the guide covers essential aspects of reducing your carbon footprint while working from home. It provides region-specific advice on recycling and energy schemes, along with creative ideas for repurposing materials. The guide also delves into … Read more

Behind the scenes with AMA: 4-Day Week pilot

Head of Operations and Events at Arts Marketing Association (AMA), Danielle Patrick takes us behind the scenes as we trial a 4-day week. In the first of three blogs that follow the trial, Dani looks at the reasons behind the decision, the research and consultation process and how the trial will work.

How to effectively support remote or hybrid work patterns

1. Introduction Enabling staff and volunteers to work remotely has been a challenge that all organisations have faced throughout the Covid pandemic, nowhere more so than in the heritage sector.  Despite this, while maintaining contact with staff and managing teams remotely can feel a daunting task, there are also many opportunities to shift our traditional … Read more

Impact of Covid-19 on the screen sector workforce in Wales: freelancers

Effaith COVID-19 ar weithlu sector sgrin Cymru: gweithwyr llawrydd Yn yr erthygl hon, rydym yn archwilio’r ffyrdd gwahanol y mae gweithwyr llawrydd y sector sgrin yng Nghymru wedi cael eu heffeithio gan y pandemig, a’u pryderon am y dyfodol. In this article we examine the different ways in which screen sector freelancers based in Wales … Read more