Resources tagged with public relations

How to measure your PR campaign

In the first of a series of thought-provoking and practical guides, Head of Communications at Manchester’s multi-arts venue HOME, Kat Harrison-Dibbits outlines the steps needed to effectively measure your PR campaign.

Creating an audience focused season brochure

US arts marketing consultant Trevor O’Donnell tells us from a strategic perspective why he admires the latest season brochure from the Austin Symphony.  The audience focused brochure uses visuals to bring to life the experience of a young couple throughout an evening at the Austin Symphony. Trevor is a straight talking marketing consultant who has … Read more

Launching the new Library of Birmingham

It’s not every day that libraries make the front page, but the opening of the new Library of Birmingham was one of the big culture stories of 2013. In this case study, Kate Feld interviews Sara Rowell, Partnerships and Marketing Senior Manager at the Library of Birmingham, about the launch of this spectacular new building … Read more

A best practice guide to selecting an agency

Finding an Agency is designed to aid the agency selection process.  This is a fairly detailed guide that outlines the valuable processes to go through and questions to ask when considering working with an agency or agencies.  The contents page will help you quickly find the section most relevant to your needs and gives a … Read more

Briefing an agency: a best practice guide to briefing communications agencies

Get the most out of your communications agency with help from this guide, which draws from research conducted among over 140 advertisers and agencies. This guide was developed by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, and partner professional bodies ISBA, Marketing Agencies Association (MAA) and PRCA.

You wrote a book, now what?

Angela Jackson’s debut novel The Emergence of Judy Taylor has been received with great critical acclaim and is through to the final three of Amazon Rising Stars 2013.  In this article Angela reflects on how her background in arts PR helped her prepare to launch her own work, albeit there were many new lessons she … Read more

Pitching to the UK national press from the regions

Arts organisations located outside of London struggle to get their fair share of national press even before the news industry entered crisis mode. Now the latest round of belt tightening has seen travel budgets slashed and editorial cuts across the board. Don’t despair, says seasoned arts PR Catharine Braithwaite. With the right approach and some … Read more

How Visit London can help you reach more visitors

This factsheet explains the advice and support that Visit London offers in order to reach more visitors. You’ll find links to further free online resources, information about partnership opportunities, marketing and PR campaign ideas, and details of how to get listed on the Visit London website. There’s also a handy top tips section for developing … Read more

How and why businesses in and around Manchester are using Twitter

This guide shows how businesses use Twitter to market themselves and their work in Manchester, one of the most active Twitter communities in the country.  With clear illustrations of what the data on usage actually means, this analysis can help you to make sure you’re staying one step ahead of your competitors when using Twitter.