Resources tagged with Prosper

Prosper business support project evaluation

The full evaluation report of Prosper, a business support and action research programme, designed and managed by Creative United, that ran from March 2017 to March 2018. The aim of this programme was to improve business sustainability and resilience in the creative and cultural sectors, and complete research into the provision and use of business … Read more

Mottisfont Abbey — Secondary Spend Case Study

Discover how Mottisfont Abbey has become a sustainable year-round business and the positive impact investing in its infrastructure has had on increased visitor numbers and secondary spend income.  

The rebrand

In their second Prosper vlog, Amar Patel and Daniel Oduntan from  Soul Labels talk about how they developed the Soul Labels brand, and how they might evolve it with the help of Rob Key from Studio Change.

Asset management

This introduction to asset management explains what an asset is — tangible and intangible — how to identify your assets and what value and income you can derive from assets. It considers the potential gains —  turnover, profit and audiences — in working your assets to their full capacity.

Loan funding in the arts

This Prosper resource provides an introduction to loan funding for arts, cultural and heritage organisations.

Capacity Building

In this Prosper resource Gill Thewlis explores the concept of Capacity Building within the context of the arts, cultural and heritage sector; and provides a seven-point approach to building capacity in organisations.

Managing teams through change

In this Prosper resource, Alasdair Cant highlights the key points to consider when managing a team through organisational change — from planning and implementing change, through to dealing effectively with uncertainty to avoid resistance and conflict.

Measuring social impact for creative businesses

This Prosper resource is a short introduction to measuring social impact for creative businesses. The measurement of social impact is an emerging concept and there are a number of different social models being developed and refined. The information in this resource is therefore for general guidance only and includes links to website with further information.

The funding mix for arts organisations

This Prosper resource explains the funding mix — grants, earned income, private and corporate donations, sponsorship, crowdfunding and loans —  and explores the benefits to arts organisations in getting the right mix of funding.

Developing successful partnerships

This resource provides tips on how to nurture successful partnerships to enable new income. The tips have been shared by a range of business advisors contributing to Prosper, Creative United’s business support programme for the arts, museums and libraries.