Resources tagged with press

How to measure your PR campaign

In the first of a series of thought-provoking and practical guides, Head of Communications at Manchester’s multi-arts venue HOME, Kat Harrison-Dibbits outlines the steps needed to effectively measure your PR campaign.

20 Quick Fixes (training video)

Are you responsible for getting your organisation noticed by the outside world but have a million other things to do? This training video will give you 20 top tips to help you make your life more manageable by focusing on the marketing and communication tools that work.

Raising awareness of a participatory cultural project

This case study explores an integrated publicity campaign to promote The Cultural Spring, a three-year project to increase arts participation and engagement in Sunderland and South Tyneside. It covers the process and outcomes of creating a publicity campaign which engaged both the media and potential participants in the project.

Walrus on the move

Discover how an integrated marketing campaign can minimise disruption – and maximise positive coverage – when a popular museum exhibit is loaned elsewhere. This resource describes the experience of the Horniman Museum and Gardens, whose taxidermied walrus paid a temporary visit to Turner Contemporary, Margate. The museum’s campaign around the missing exhibit raised awareness of … Read more

Press releases the audience development way

Shoshana Fanizza of US consultancy Audience Development Specialists (ADS) offers some practical tips for writing effective press releases.  This short article has been adapted from the ADS blog and was originally posted in 2013.

A guide to getting free publicity

This toolkit from Arts Tasmania offers advice on how to gain free publicity.  This practical resource gives many useful tips including how to prepare a media release and how to deal with media enquiries (including being interviewed by the media).  Handy examples of media releases are also included.  This easy to follow guide has been … Read more

A guide for use and understanding of appropriate language

Graeae is the UK’s foremost disabled-led theatre company. Its audiences include Deaf, disabled and non-disabled people. This guide provides some basic guidelines for use of language and being confident with using language around disability. Appropriate use of language helps demonstrate that an organisation is committed to providing a welcoming environment and is the first step to ensuring … Read more

Launching the new Library of Birmingham

It’s not every day that libraries make the front page, but the opening of the new Library of Birmingham was one of the big culture stories of 2013. In this case study, Kate Feld interviews Sara Rowell, Partnerships and Marketing Senior Manager at the Library of Birmingham, about the launch of this spectacular new building … Read more

Lates at the Science Museum

This case study explores the objectives, processes and outcomes of the Science Museum’s Lates – a regular late night opening for adults-only. Lates aims to attract a young adult audience into the museum to engage with its collections and an average of 3,500 visitors attend these late night openings. Lates is not marketed in the traditional sense instead … Read more