Resources tagged with open data

Data-informed decision making

1. Introduction Just as a map and a compass are useful tools to help you navigate to a new place, so data and evidence can help you steer your organisation. You can run on instinct and feedback but it will probably be quicker, less costly and smoother if you make use of the data your … Read more

Open Listings – how Culture Hosts works.

Ben Williams, Digital Services and Marketing Manager, Creative Tourist Consults comments on the Discovery Report, ‘Could open data help arts and culture listings’ (Nesta and The Satori Lab) and takes us through their integrated online listings platform – Culture Hosts.

Opening Up Arts Listings

The Head of Y Lab (the Public Services Innovation Lab for Wales), Rob Ashelford asks if open data can help make listings more efficient whilst reaching new audiences.

How to… start using APIs

Edinburgh Festivals’ Head of Marketing and Innovation James McVeigh takes us through the background of how they started using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to provide media listings.